This week I feel great about my personal education goals. I practiced voice more consistently than usual, played Poulenc and Handel with my community chamber ensemble, and went to the Apple store for a training session.
Also I started listening to all the Beatles albums in chronological order as part of my music history education, and am reading Antigone because I was teaching my 8th grade about the Greek chorus. (Yes, I'm admitting this stuff on my blog because somewhere in my upbringing I derived the idea that being nerdy is oh so cool.)
But during the week a thought kept coming to the back of my mind. I think the uncompleted thought went something like this: if I learn everything I want to know, then what next? My idea of success is being smart. But will I be satisfied when I get the knowledge I thirst for?
So the thought turned into this verse:
Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.
Christ is the only new knowledge I need, and the knowledge I've got to get no matter what.
The verse has come to me several times over the week and that is God's grace.
I am thankful that the Lord helped me to be somewhat productive this week, but I am also glad for the joy, mixed with a little emptiness, that new knowledge brings.