Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Must-read lyrics

Some sick kind of music snobbery makes me avoid compound meter hymns like the plague. Why do I think 17th and 18th century Christians are cooler than other Christians? This 6/8 hymn, which we sung Sunday night, blew me out of the water. I like how it incorporates Biblical narrative, which is not necessarily common except in kid's Sunday School songs.

O how sweet the glorious message
simple faith may claim;
Yesterday, today, forever,
Jesus is the same!
Still he loves to save the sinful,
heal the sick and lame,
cheer the mourner, calm the tempest -
Glory to his name!

Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same; All may change but Jesus never - Glory to His name, Glory to His name, Glory to His name; All may change but Jesus never - Glory to His name!

He who pardoned erring Peter
Never need'st thou fear
He who came to faithless Thomas
All thy doubt will clear;
He who let the loved disciple On His bosom rest
Bids the still, with love as tender,
Lean upon His breast.

Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same; All may change but Jesus never - Glory to His name, Glory to His name, Glory to His name; All may change but Jesus never - Glory to His name!

He who 'mid the raging billows
walked upon the sea
Still can hush our wildest tempest
as on Galilee;
He who wept and prayed in anguish
in Gethsemene
Drinks with us each cup of trembling,
in our agony.

Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same; All may change but Jesus never - Glory to His name, Glory to His name, Glory to His name; All may change but Jesus never - Glory to His name!

As of old He walked to Emmaus,
with them to abide,
So thru all life's way He walketh,
ever near our side;
Soon again shall we behold Him,
Hasten, Lord, the day!
But 'twill still be "this same Jesus"
as He went away.

Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same; All may change but Jesus never - Glory to His name, Glory to His name, Glory to His name; All may change but Jesus never - Glory to His name!

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